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''In the Light of Truth' - The Grail Message' is a quite unique body of work that touches each person exactly according to their individual nature. For many, the ardent wish arises after thoroughly reading the books to make the best of the spiritual help that the work constitutes for humanity.

This site is provided for readers of ''In The Light of Truth' - The Grail Message' by Abd-ru-shin, who feel convinced of the work's value for themselves in their striving towards the goals indicated by the Laws of Creation according to the Creator's Will.

By registering and using the site, you implicitly agree to abide by the rules and conventions of harmony, common decency and consideration for the other users of the site.

For the avoidance of all doubt, please note that this is a private web site, and it is fully moderated.

If you have any comments or need help using this site, please send an email to